Rain Barrels

About Collecting Rain

Harvesting rain water is nothing new and the scarcity of fresh water is something most people are familiar with.  The cost of water in the area is also something many are keenly aware of.  It does seem a bit silly to water your lawn with water that has been put the process of making it safe to drink.  Rain water also lacks antimicrobials (such as chlorine) and dissolved minerals that can disrupt soil bacteria and interfere with nutrient uptake.

Rain can be collected in a variety of containers, but the most cost-effective option is re-purposed food grade containers.  These containers are fairly easy to obtain and they are cheap.  Barrels with removable lids are very nice for catching rain from downspouts, but tight-head or “closed” drums (with bungs & caps in the top) can also be used to make some really cool looking systems.  Our designs are always evolving, and we love new ideas!

For large capacity systems, we utilize food grade pallet tanks, or “totes”.  In industry, these tanks are known as intermediate bulk containers (IBC), and they are used to store a wide variety of liquids, powders, and pellets.  The containers we have available are clean, food grade, and range in volume from 275 – 300 gallons.

Types of Collection Systems


Open-Head Drums “Pickle Barrels”

Closed Tight-Head Drums


Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC “tote” or pallet tank)

Architectural & Engineered Systems

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